
Monday, April 18, 2011

Fat girls eat

I am a fat girl.  I need to eat.  I know there are girls out there (like my mom) that when they need to lose a few pounds they can just moderate the amount they eat and get back to where they are happy.  I am not so good at that.  I like to have a full belly.  To be able to do that and lose weight takes a lot of planning and work.  I have to really fill up on veggies and fruits.  
Today I worked a 4 hour shift (we call them princess shifts!)  I know I have a long work week ahead of me so I needed to get my food planned and prepped so I would be successful.  I went to Costco to stock up.  I can simply not beat their produce prices anywhere else.  I spent several hours once I got home chopping, cooking and prepping my food but I am ready for the week.  
Last night I went to dinner with a bunch of my friends.  One of their husbands asked if we cook daily or do marathon cooking on one day like his wife.  Every single one of us nurses said we do the marathon cooking.  He was bewildered by this.  I guess when you work 12 hour shifts in the ER you have no energy left for cooking when you get home and I certainly am not going to get up early to cook.  So this blog entry is for Chuck...to show you that Hannah is just like the rest of us!
I had one splurge idem today.  I have been craving animal crackers.  I love to eat them with pudding.  I am not sure why I like these so much I do.  I weighed out little baggies of 3 pts servings.
 I have been enjoying carrots dipped in salsa as a point free snack.  I bagged up my carrots and put salsa in little containers to take to work.  (First I had to blend the salsa cause I dont like chunky salsa!)
 I made beef with veggies.  I put that on 2 points of brown rice for my main meal at work for the week.  
 I made my salads for the week.  I measured out the feta and salad dressing.  All of the rest of this is free points.  
 I love my berries.  I put blackberries, raspberries and blueberries in the containers.  I eat half of the berries with yogurt and the other half with cottage cheese during the day.  
 I got the best grapes at the marina market in SF.  They are so crisp and sweet.  I made little baggies of those.  
 I cut up and baked my brussel sprouts the way I love them with roasted almonds.  I made these with oil so I am calling a serving of these about 3 points.  
 After they cooled I put them in zip locks to be able to take them to work.
 Lastly I cut up a big watermelon.  Not much I love as much as really cold watermelon.  I made several of these containers.  
 How do I get all of this in my fridge?  Its a tight fit but I got it all in there.
I have to do all this prepping to stay on my plan but its so worth it.  


  1. That's amazing, Marion! Can I be your roommate and eat your food? And I love that Greek yogurt from Costco. I found some at the grocery store that was key lime pie flavored. So yummy!

  2. Yea Marion!!! I "weigh in" as one of those marathon cooks. Helps to keep me in control of my intake and keeps me out of the cafeteria at work.

  3. Wow. Please would you come to my house?
