
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

60 lbs in a little over 6 months

What a journey this has been.  I hit 60 lbs lost this week at WW.  For some reason it was not a big deal....nothing emotional like when I hit 50 lbs.  That being said...I am not interested in having the weight back!  I am not really celebrating in any special way except I'm going to keep on, keeping on.  Today I went to the gym and ran.  I had to talk myself into each 0.5 miles I ran.  I did a total of 3 miles.  I then walked a mile and swan only 0.5 miles.  I felt like my back was getting sun burned so I felt I should get out  (oh yeah....I was tired too.)
I work the next 3 days so my exercising probably wont be happening.  Since I started on the weight loss journey I have not been picking up extra work.  Well the guy that rents my condo in FL has not been paying his rent (he says I will have part of money by the end of the week) so I have been having to work extra.  I forgot how much that really wears me out!  I am working a 12 hour shift on wed, Thurs and a double (16 hours) on friday night.  This evening I am going to work on prepping all the food for the work week to help me be successful.  Thinking the main course will be brussel sprouts and turkey kelbalsa.  I am going to run to whole foods right now to get some okra too.  Hannah's husband, Chuck, taught me how to make great okra!

Hope you are having a great week!


  1. 60 freakin' pounds! You are amazing! Keep on keeping on! You can do it! I feel like I need a little cheerleader outfit and some pom poms in your favorite colors. And I really want to come visit and have a bike ride across the Golden Gate bridge with you. Can you make that happen?

  2. Marion you are amazing! So proud of you. Keep it up. You look great!! Love, sarah

  3. Some days 60 pounds down to me seems like such a world away.

    I've been so close for the past 12 months...and yet, NADA!

    I'm pleased that you're down the 60 though...way to go! :)
